
Strategic plan

Our Priorities for 2022-2024

We will continue to develop and implement a response to the management of risk and positive information sharing across the partnership.

Our continuous focus on Learning and Improvement and Quality Assurance will help us to improve practice and improve outcomes for adults.

Within Organisational Safeguarding our priorities will be; Improving the Pressure Ulcer Guidance and response; Extending the Safeguarding Tier System; and refining The Falls Policy Outcomes Framework.

We will continue to work with the Domestic Abuse Steering Group to embed an effective response in the S42 processes.

We recognise that we need to improve our response to Self-Neglect and improve the timeliness and quality of Mental Capacity Assessments across all settings and deliver assurance on key Mental Health transformation plans linked to case review recommendations.

We will also continue to support the implementation of a Vulnerable Adults Risk Management Framework within a wider partnership and improve the response to people who present as complex / high risk.

You can find further information in our 2023/24 strategy.