
Sub groups

There are four sub groups of the board, an executive group and three other delivery groups which support the board in implementing its agreed priorities and overall business plan.

Wigan Safeguarding Adult’s Board

The purpose of the board is:

  •  To facilitate and ensure that the Safeguarding Adults Partnership delivers its statutory duties and functions in relation to safeguarding adults as set out in Schedule 2 of the Care Act (2014)
  • To develop a learning culture and framework across the safeguarding partnership and ensure learning from reviews, quality assurance and other activity is in place and effective.
  • To contribute to and strategically own the production and delivery of the local safeguarding strategies and plans and ensure that partner agencies have clear and effective strategic and operational responses to safeguarding the people of Wigan and that they discharge their responsibilities effectively.
  • To provide a transparent approach to both highlighting and providing solutions to safeguarding issues within the group with a focus on acting on opportunities to prevent and intervene earlier.
  • To ensure that safeguarding plans and processes actively contribute to the Deal 2030 objectives and outcomes.
  • To ensure that robust systems and processes are in place to hold partner agencies to account in relation to safeguarding policy and practice and to ensure that serious incidents and/or breaches in policy and practice are fully investigated and lessons learned.
  • To ensure the provision of guidance, support, and workforce development to partner agencies to enable them to discharge their safeguarding responsibilities effectively.
  • To produce an annual business plan in line with statutory requirements.
  • To ensure compliance with all statutory requirements for monitoring and reporting safeguarding activity at strategic level (e.g. reporting of performance management information; compliance with inspections).
  • To ensure that an appropriate and effective infrastructure is in place to support the Board in delivering the local adults safeguarding strategy and business plans.
  • To contribute and commit to ensuring agreed resources to support safeguarding in Wigan including income generation and financial support to the partnership are in place.
  • To ensure that there is timely and effective communication between the Partnership, its partner agencies in the statutory and independent sectors and the people of Wigan to support safeguarding across the borough.

Executive Group

The Executive Group of the Wigan Safeguarding Adults Board will be responsible for overseeing the business of the board and helping partners work together to translate strategy into action.

The Executive Group will undertake to oversee specific issues, matters of business and daily operations concerns on behalf of the board as follows:

  • Track the partnership’s progress against the agreed business plan.
  • Ensure that appropriate subgroups or task and finish groups are in place and are functioning appropriately to deliver the tasks outlined in the business plan.
  • Oversee the activity of the subgroups of the board and report back on that activity to the Board.
  • Develop the Annual Report for approval by the board.
  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of recommendations from Case Reviews and wider learning and improvement activity and where appropriate Domestic Homicide Reviews.
  • Consider, monitor, and recommend action for key safeguarding risk areas.
  • Develop and implement a cross partnership risk management framework on behalf of the Board.
  • Support the development and implementation of a Quality Assurance and Audit Framework
  • Support the development of a performance framework for the board and monitor and evaluate the key performance and quality assurance data underpinning this.
  • Support the board to implement any national guidance and recommendations.
  • Support the board in undertaking an annual (or bi-annual) self-assessment of its effectiveness.

Learning and Quality Assurance

The Learning and Quality Assurance delivery group works to develop and deliver a robust quality assurance framework through collating and analysing a wider set of intelligence and data.

It aims for ownership by all stakeholders to ensure that it influences and effects positive change across all organisations and services.

It supports partners in delivering key actions from learning and improvement activities, such as case reviews, audits etc through the learning outcomes framework.

Self-Neglect- MCA- DoLs/LPs

The main ambition of the Self Neglect, MCA and DoLs Delivery Subgroup is to develop and review local policies, procedures, and protocols in response to underpinning MCA / DoLS legislation, national guidance, and case law.

The Subgroup will identify opportunities for practice development through consideration of national and local incidents related to Self-Neglect, MCA & DoLS, providing a forum for the dissemination of this work.

The Subgroup will also continue to compare and contrast national data & experience against the local picture to develop insights and identify approaches in other areas that may be of benefit across the Borough.

Organisational Safeguarding

  • Establish and implement a key programme of work that embeds a preventative / transparent approach regarding organisational safeguarding across key sectors and settings including:
    • Acute, Community and Mental Health settings
    • Residential / Domiciliary / Housing Care and Support Sectors
    • Criminal Justice Agencies and processes
    • Community Organisations
  • Undertake relevant learning and improvement activity to inform work programme and ensure where needed an appropriate workforce development offer is in place and effective.
  • To ensure that the work programme is co-designed and delivered by and with key stakeholders and providers.
  • Develop a set of work programme metrics that establish a baseline and ongoing improvement framework that demonstrate impact across all sectors regarding organisational safeguarding.
  • To establish robust links with wider strategic bodies, work programmes and operational groups to maximise impact of the work programme, in particular:
    • Care Home Reform Board / Care Home Forum
    • Care Sector Provider Forums
    • Learning Disability Partnership
    • Mental Health Transformation Board
  • To establish working arrangements with PMMD Quality Surveillance regarding escalation, intelligence, flow and tasking and co-ordination.
  • Take responsibility for all case review and quality assurance actions and feedback to WSAB assigned to the group has context menu.