About the Champions
‘Guarding people to be safe’
The What’sUp Champions are people that use services, but they also support other individuals to have a voice. The Champions help people to have the confidence in talking about any worries they may have about their safety, or about something that may be upsetting them. The champions also come together to work on co-production projects to improve services.
The aim is to have open conversations around safeguarding that focus on guarding people to be safe and improving services.
Listen to what the champions and professionals have to say….
What's Up Champions - Episode 1
What's Up Champions - Episode 2
What we want to achieve
- A What’sUp Champion to attend the Wigan Safeguarding Adult’s Board.
- To continue to work on co-production projects.
- Giving people that use services a voice.
- Keeping people safe.
How to become a What’sUp Champion
- If you are a service user within the Wigan Borough and you would like to be a Safeguarding What’sUp Champion, please email: wsabtraining@wigan.gov.uk.
- How to nominate somebody -If you are a manager of a service within the Wigan Borough and you think that one of your service users would be a good champion. Email us: Wsabtraining@wigan.gov.uk